熱門課程「花藝師培訓證書」及「兒童視覺藝術導師證書課程」課程現已納入英國資歷頒證機構Training Qualifications UK (TQUK)認可課程,學員成功修畢課程後,可自費申請TQUK頒發的認可證書,進一步提升資歷,為本地或海外升學就業作好準備。
- 言語訓練及治療技巧基礎課程
TQUK Level 3 Award in Understanding Language Development (RQF)
Qualification Number: 603/3753/9
- 專業調解員培訓證書
Certificate in Mediation (Level 3)
- 幼兒Playgroup導師培訓證書
Certificate in Playgroup Tutor Training (Level 3)
- 樓宇檢驗助理培訓證書
Certificate in Building Inspection Assistant Training (Level 3)
- 花藝師培訓證書
Certificate in Florist Training (Level 3)
- 支援特殊學習需要學生(SEN)證書課程
Award in Introduction to Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs (Level 2)
- 專業獸醫助理培訓課程
Certificate in Introduction to Veterinary Assisting (Level 2)
- 牙醫助護證書課程
Award in Introduction to Dental Services Assisting (Level 2)
- STEM教學實踐培訓課程
Award in Developing a STEM Program in School (Level 2)
- 兒童視覺藝術導師證書課程
Award in Children Visual Art Tutor Training (Level 2)